Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Full Circle"


Stupid steroids.  We're at three weeks now and I've seen no significant changes in my health.  The little rash on my cheeks is still there, the rash on my chest is still there, I still can't swallow, I still can't breathe, I still have heartburn 24/7, I still can't sleep unless I'm sitting up...but now I'm ultra moody too!!  And, I get night sweats!  And nauseous!

Warning: this is gross.  But I am so irritated by it!!  I haven't been able to sleep through the night the past week.  I am constantly waking up in a hot flash and realize that I'm covered in sweat.  Apparently these are called "night sweats" and they can be a side effect of the Prednisone.  It's gross.  And not fun.  And cold.  Very cold.  I have a hard time staying warm these days anyway, but when I wake up wet, I'm freezing.  But it's from sweat?  It makes absolutely no sense to me and I'm highly unamused by it.  But, I don't know how to fix I just get up, change pajamas, find a different spot on my huge bed to sleep, and wash my sheets daily.  (Thank goodness I've got a King bed and I sleep alone...that's essentially four different spots for me to destroy throughout the night before having to find another clean spot to sleep!)

Also, my heartburn has been intense!  Since the beginning of this it's been a daily thing, but typically I can take a Zegrid in the morning and I'm good for about 24 hours.  But for the past month or so it's been really bad.  The ENT told me when he did one of my swallow studies last week that every single time I lay down, anything that is in my stomach backs up into my esophagus.  That little flap thingy doesn't work at all right now.  So, I have to sleep at an angle, otherwise I'm woken up with heartburn.  Well, a bed base that can sit the bed up costs almost $3, that won't be happening soon.  I currently just stack my pillows up but I have a hard time staying on them!  My Mom suggested I find someplace that sells foam wedges and get one of those to prop myself up on.  I think that may be genius and I'm going out hunting today!!!

As far as those moods...boy howdy!!  If I compiled a list of things that have made me cry over the past week it would be equivalent in length to...something that's really long!  Ugh.

In keeping with my picture posting, this is one that I found right after my Seahawks beat Dallas at my first ever NFL football game that I attended.  I love it.  Always brings a smile to my face.  :)


  1. I'm not sure how helpful this is but castle will have wedges... I bet you could even strap yourself to them so you stay on it... They have some handy d-rings on the side.

  2. I'm not sure how helpful this is but castle will have wedges... I bet you could even strap yourself to them so you stay on it... They have some handy d-rings on the side.

  3. LOL! Thanks, I love that!! I honestly even thought about that!! I ended up finding one at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and it has been IMMENSELY helpful!!! If only I could get the night sweats under control, then maybe I could get a full night of sleep again!?
